Bible Class
Sunday mornings. Junior and Senior Section in The Stables.
Bowling Club
Tuesday 8pm in Church Hall.
Available for young children with parents in the Creche Room.
Friendship Hour
Meets second Wednesday of each month from September to June commencing at 12 noon and ending at 1:45pm. Designed for adults, both male and female. Contact Sam Gawn or Jean Duncan. The friendship hour provides an opportunity each month to meet for food, fellowship and friendship. The group is for members of our own congregation, local community and further afield. We enjoy interesting speakers, quizzes and outings. We attempt to provide a programme with something for everyone, male and female. Transport is available if required.
Junior C.E
Tuesday 7pm-8pm in the Stables for P1 upwards.
Wednesday 7:30pm in The Church Hall.
Prayer Time
1st Wednesday each month at 7:30pm in The Church Hall.
Sunday Morning 11am-11:20am in The School House.
Sunday School
Sunday mornings in the School House.