Other Announcements

Sunday 9th March 2025

Welcome to Dunamuggy Church and to Rev Hiram Higgins who will lead our service this morning.
Prayer time — In the school house from 11-11:20am each week
Crèche facilities — available in the room behind the pulpit
Bible — If you don’t have a Bible with you please help yourself to one from the vestibule
Your offering can be placed in the plates at the exits (or by standing order) 
CE  this Tuesday at 7pm. 
Mid Week – Wednesday 12th March E3 Schools Worker Josh Sanderson speaking about the work of Scripture Union in our Local schools. Please make a special effort to come and support this important work. Prayer letters are available in the vestibule. 
Sunday 16th March 11:30am Morning service an 6:30pm Evening service with Rev Hiram Higgins